A look into the code for visualizing ocean temperture anomalies
By: Brennan Kauffman
I selected the NOAA data set showing a rise in unsual tempertures over the course of 100 years because visualizing data like this helps others understand the severity of whats happening. The data set given from NOAA's website was clean and easy to imput into a CSV file without much need to clean it up. When visualizing a change in something like climate and temperture, its important to show the rise or fall which a scatter plot or line chart does perfectly. Initally I wanted to create a line chart but that would add complications when hovering or clicking without circles at each data point. I ended up working with a scatter plot which accuratly showed the steap rise over the last 100 years.
The code below is used to create the circle points in the data

The code below is used to allow hover and click functionality to the data.